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Tuesday, March 12, 2019


The Democrats and the rest of the left are constantly talking about equality.  Multimillionaires like Elizabeth Warren harps on income inequality.  So, too, does socialist Bernie Sanders who somehow managed to acquire enough millions of dollars to own three different homes all while working his entire adult life in government positions.  Many Democrats like my own state's senator Richard Bloomenthal constantly shriek about inequality in our medical system all while making sure that he and other congressional Democrats don't have to endure Obamacare coverage like they inflicted on millions of other Americans.  Countless high profile Democrats lament the supposed inequality in our public schools while making sure to send their own children to private schools of the sort that are out of the reach of most American families. 

Today, we got a new example of just how inequality works in university admissions.  As you may know, admission to many elite universities has been changed from a merit system to one in which race or ethnic background is more important that the student's talents.  For example, there is currently a major lawsuit against Harvard for blatant discrimination against Asian American students.  Harvard is said to deny admission to Asian Americans even if their grades and test scores are far better than those of African American or Hispanic students.  This is done in the name of equality and diversity.  Most likely, this practice will ultimately be struck down by the Supreme Court as nothing more than institutionalized racism and bigotry.  Liberals and Democrats (ok, same thing) have been horrified at the thought that Harvard might have to admit students principally based upon merit rather than race.  These people have screamed about the harm that this would do to "equality".  Now we learn that a large group of rich Hollywood leftist celebrities have been allegedly paying off various admission related people at Harvard and elsewhere to guarantee admission for their own children.  You know, they favor equality so long as that equality doesn't keep their children from getting admission to the school they desire.

The Democrats' party coalition consists principally of the very affluent and the very poor and minority populations.  The Dems talk constantly about how they want to help the poor, but they act in the main to guarantee that the privileges of their very wealthy donors are not disturbed.  They fight for Democrats to be in power, but they don't care about their poor and minority voters once the Dems get into office.  It seems as if the Democrat leaders think that most of their own voters are so stupid that they won't recognize the lack of concern towards them that the Dems display every day.

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