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Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Former acting Attorney General Whitaker testified in a confidential session today in the House.  Within minutes after the session ended, the chair of the committee, Jerry Nadler of NY told the press what Whitaker had to say.  So much for confidentiality.  Nadler said that Whitaker did not deny that Trump called him after Michael Cohen plead guilty to charges in New York.  Notice what Nadler said.  He didn't say that Whitaker confirmed that he had spoken to Trump; he just didn't deny it.  That's not the same thing.  Notice also when the conversation took place; after Cohen plead guilty.  As the media tries yet again to call something obstruction of justice, remember that for it to be obstruction, it would have to interfere with a prosecution/investigation of a case.  Cohen had already entered a guilty plea, so there was nothing to obstruct.

The endless nonsense that pours from partisan and immoral hacks like Nadler has to end at some point.  America deserves to have a Congress that does something to improve the lives of the average American.  It can't go with nothing more than endless bogus investigations lace with lies.

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