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Monday, June 13, 2011

More Talk from the Talker in Chief

According to today's headlines, president Obama spent the day "talking about jobs" in North Carolina at a public meeting of his advisory group on jobs. He also announced a "major" initiative to increase the number of engineers trained in the USA each year by 10,000.

It reminds me of that song: "Is that all there is?"

So Obama goes to North Carolina and has a public performance to talk about jobs. How many jobs does that create? NONE. Does Obama explain why after three years in office he is still only talking about jobs? NO. Are there steps that Obama could take today without any action by Congress that would increase employment in the USA? YES. Has he taken any of them? NO. How long will it take for those new engineers to affect the economy? A LONG TIME -- it takes four years to train an undergraduate engineer. It also takes a while for universities to gear up to increase the number of engineering students that they admit. The class which will begin in the fall is already chosen. The next time a new class of engineers can start their four years of train is in September of 2012. So Obama is talking today about increasing the number of engineers startin in June of 2016. Amazingly, that is five years from now. What is the economy supposed to do until then? Does Obama have a plan to create jobs before then? NO!!!

It is a disgrace that Obama thinks that he can just talk about jobs and meet the requirements of his office. Obama and the Obamacrats think that public relations moves are enough. There is no need for actual accomplishments. If the American people are left with savage levels of high unemployment, well it is just too bad according to Obama. It is just a bump in the road. After all, Obama has talked about doing something and that just ought to be enough.

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