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Monday, June 27, 2011

So what comes next?

In the last months, we have seen US foreign policy verge into a psychotic fantasy. The war in Libya is not hostilities according to president Obama. The surge in Afghanistan has been successful in part, so Obama is ending it before the USA wins. The slaughter of civilians in Syria merits no response while the similar but lesser slaughter of civilians in Libya earned missiles and bombs from the air force. The missiles and attacks from Hamas against Israel are ignored and the Israeli are told to retreat to indefensible borders (which would make their ultimate defeat and slaughter likely.) The US budget is way out of kilter, so the president pledges money to bail out Greece even though he knows that the expenditure will never pass Congress.

Foreign policy is not the only psychotic fantasy. Energy policy is geared towards reducing the production and use of domestic energy sources while Obama talks about weaning ourselves from foreign oil. There are moratoria on drilling, delays in permitting, threats to natural gas extraction from shale, crazy regulations that dramatically increase the cost of burning coal, etc. At the same time, Obama is releasing oil from the strategic reserve to help his poll numbers. Immigration reform is another strange area. Obama has now taken to calling for comprehensive immigration reform, but he has no plan to propose. Economic policy is perhaps the strangest mix of items emanating from Obama and the Obamacrats. We have heard about the need for more spending in the midst of talks designed to reduce spending. We have heard about raising taxes when the economy is much weaker than it was last December when Obama told us that he had agreed that taxes ought not be raised when the economy is shaky. We have heard that entitlements need to be reformed, but Obama just attacks those with proposals to do so and offers nothing concrete himself. Indeed, all we have seen is a speech from Obama. Surprise, surprise, surprise as Gomer Pyle might have said. On the other hand the head of the Congressional Budget Office said it best, "we do not estimate speeches." CBO needs an actual proposal with details if it is to do an estimate. But it is the actual proposal that Obama just does not want to offer.

It is difficult for me to accept that the sitting president of the USA would hide from his responsibilities and spend his time campaigning and trying to demonize his opponents. I thought that by the time any man or woman got into that office, he or she would realize that the responsibility to lead was inescapable. I was wrong. Obama is a disaster. He has to go!

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