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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The environmental Luddites

In the early nineteenth century, there was a movement in England that protested against the mechanization of the textile industry, a change that was altering the jobs of many textile artisans. The protest of choice in those days was the destruction of the machines. Since that time there have been numerous groups who have tried to fight against modernity, but none have had great success. Actually, I should amend that to say that none in the USA have had great success. After all, the mullahs in Iran succeeded in turning in part a 20th century state back into an eigth century theocracy in the space of a few years. Sadly, a big chunk of the American environmental movement has now joined the Luddite cause. The latest example is the proposed Keystone XL pipeline that would bring oil from the Canadian tar sands to refineries in Texas. This 1700 mile long pipeline would be just another of the many oil and gas pipelines in the USA. It would bring about three quarters of a million barrels of oil per day to American refineries. It would also create about 120,000 jobs, most of which will be in the USA. It would provide the USA with a safe source of energy, particularly important in view of recent events in Libya and other oil producing countries. It would also help cement even closer relations with Canada.

So what is the environmental downside? As I understand it, the big complaint is that there could be an oil spill if the pipeline breaks. To me, that argument is akin to one that claims that one should not fly because there could be a plane crash. It is the same sort of crazy view of the world that led Obama to place a moratorium on off shore drilling and then to hamper that drilling in every way possible after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The point is that accidents happen; no one could deny that. Some day, the likelihood is that this pipeline will leak. Maybe it will be an earthquake that causes it. Who knows? Despite this, however, life needs to go on. Americans need to have fuel for their cars. People need jobs. We simply cannot stop the economy and normal life because there may be a problem in the future. If that had been the outlook of past Americans, there would be no railroads (they derail and crash), no cars (need I explain), no planes, no cell phones (they may cause cancer), no computers (artificial intelligence may attack us someday -- remember the Teminator), no central heating or air conditioning (there might be carbon monoxide leaks), and..well, you get the picture.

The sad thing is that today, the group of Luddites is louder and larger than usual. With many in politics and the media, the basic idea has become an article of faith. It is taught in many schools. Think of the global warming debate. If recent science is correct, the theory of man made global warming is essentially destroyed. Nevertheless, it remains a core belief of many in government including the president. It is a tragedy.

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