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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Perry is getting in

The word is out that Texas Governor Rick Perry is getting into the presidential race. That is great! Perry is everything that Obama is not. He has more executive experience as governor of Texas for eleven years than Obama ever had. He has presided over a growing economy in Texas, something Obama can only dream about. He has balanced the state budget while keeping taxes down. Do I really have to tell you about Obama's record on that score? Perry is a man of faith who realizes that there are more important things than him in the universe. Obama seems to think that the entire universe revolves around him, a Barack-centric view of existence. Perry understands that the values of self-reliance are a big part of what has made America great. Obama thinks that each person has to be taken care of by a government that controls everything of importance. That different view leads Perry to push towards a growing, vibrant private economy while Obama pushes the other direction towards a centrally controlled stagnant one. Perry understands that creating new jobs for the unemployed is the top priority of any president; he wants to unleash the private sector to do so. Obama is more concerned with control than he is with jobs. He often says that jobs are the first thing he thinks of in the morning and the last thing he thinks of at night. Unfortunately, Obama rarely gives any thought about jobs during the rest of his day.

I welcome Perry into the race. Hopefully, he will help end the era of Obama.

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