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Thursday, August 4, 2011

This is awful -- can they be this dense?

Today was the worst day on Wall Street since the financial crisis in the fall of 2008. Hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth was lost in one day's trading -- maybe even more than a trillion. Few things have as big an impact on the US economy as a Wall Street disaster. And make no mistake about it; this is a disaster. Not only is it a one day slide, but it is now two weeks since the market went up for a day. This is the market announcing that the economy is back in a recession. Maybe it will prove wrong, but the perception in the market is that recession is back.

So what words of comfort or wisdom come from the White House? Is there a plan to deal with this mess? Is there something to calm the fears of the more than half of Americans who have investments in the markets? I have to repeat verbatim the White House reaction to today's events on wall street:

"There is no question that we have -- this economy has faced headwinds this year, a variety of them including the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the increase in oil prices, energy prices that resulted from the unrest in the Arab world and the situation in Europe, also. So, our focus has to be on the things that we control which is to take the necessary measures," presidential spokesman Carney said.

"I don't have a specific reaction to the market. Markets go up and down,"



Obama watches the economy getting hammered and his answer is twofold: First, it is not his fault. The Japanese earthquake, Arab unrest and European debt problems which all took place mostly a half year ago are to blame. (It must have been a delayed reaction for sure.) Second, the White House really does not care beyond avoiding blame. After all, MARKETS GO UP AND DOWN. I have to repeat that. MARKETS GO UP AND DOWN!!!!!!!

When the history of the 2012 election is written, I predict that the moment that Obama's loss became clear will be tied to this statement and the enormous disconnect it shows between Obama and the welfare of America. MARKETS GO UP AND DOWN!!

Well, Mr. President. Remember this: Presidents go down and down in the polls and then they lose. In November of 2012, we will all send you a note that says don't worry, polls go up and down.

OBAMA HAS GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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