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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Climate Change or no Climate Change

The dogma of Climate Change (originally Global Warming) has been pushed by Al Gore and the other true believers for well over a decade. We went from a scientific "consensus" without a scientific basis, to a scientific disagreement with a huge amount of politics thrown in, to where we are now: major disagreements among the scientists and raging and nasty debates among the politicians. Sure Al Gore and the rest of those who have made big profits from the global warming scare still talk about the "consensus" in favor of Climate Change. Little is said, however, to show the validity of the various climate models which are at the heart of the pro-Climate Change position. Instead, this group usually attacks the sincerity or honesty or even sanity of those who oppose them.

Now, news of a study from an unimpeachable source has made an enormous hole in the Climate Change argument. A study has been released which was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis of Environment Canada. Environment Canada is the arm of the Canadian government that deals with environmental problems, sort of like the EPA in the USA. In the study, heating and cooling were reviewed for the last century and a half. This data was compared with items like Carbon dioxide levels, natural events like volcanic eruptions, and even man-made aerosols to see if the the computer models in use by the Climate Change group accurately predicted the results. Of course, the result was that the computer models did not accurately predict the actual climate based upon the actual imput conditions. The computer models more than doubled the actual observed effect.

This is an extraordinary result. It does not mean that greenhouse gases have no effect on the climate. It does, however, mean that the scare tactics being used by Al Gore and his fellow travelers in the climate change movement are way overblown. The simple truth is that things like carbon footprints do not come close to explaining alterations in the Earth's climate over the last century and a half.

One other thing is certain: with the release of this data, we need to stop concerning ourselves about taking immediate action to combat global warming. If there is, indeed, anything that can be done to combat this problem, the simple truth is that no one yet knows what to do. All the nonesense about carbon offsets and programs like cap and trade do not and will not work.

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