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Monday, January 16, 2012

Huntsman Leaves and the Tea Party Flails

According to reports, Jon Huntsman is suspending his campaign for the presidency and endorsing Mitt Romney. Also, ABC is reporting today that the Tea Party is having no impact on the selection of the GOP candidate. Neither story is very important. Huntsman's departure is slightly more important than if Buddy Roemer were to pull out of the race, but not by much. Huntsman barely makes a dent in the polls. His big state, New Hampshire, is over and those in the future are unlikely to go for his pitch. The truth is that no one supported Huntsman other than some sections of the liberal media.

The ABC story on the lack of importance of the media reveals a true lack of understanding by ABC on what has happened. Every GOP candidate has campaigned on positions that for the most part could be called tea party positions. The Tea Party is comprised of economic conservatives. It is not a social conservative vehicle. Every GOP candidate has campaigned for smaller government. Every GOP candidate has campaigned for fiscal responsibility. The could not be a bigger impact than that. Sure, there is no Tea Party endorsed candidate who is sweeping the primaries. That, of course, is because there is no organized Tea Party to give such an endorsement. I guess that in the spirit of the news today, I should ask: Why are ABC reporters so dumb?

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