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Friday, August 31, 2012

Is this real?

Over at Powerline, John Hinderacker is discussing a private poll taken last week in Minnesota. It shows Barack Obama with a lead over Mitt Romney in the state of one percent. ONE PERCENT!!! I realize that this is just one poll, but if it is anywhere near accurate, it is earthshaking. After all, Minnesota has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1972; that's a streak of 40 years. Even when Ronald Reagan carried 49 states in 1984, it was Minnesota that stayed with the Democrats.

If there is any truth to this poll, it is time for the Democrats to panic. If Obama loses Minesota, he will also lose Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa and Indiana -- five heartland states he carried last time that together have 53 electoral votes. Right now, public pollsters are putting only Indiana in the Romney column. Obama cannot afford to lose the other four states. Indeed, if Romney only picks up North Carolina where he is now favored and Florida which is also trending toward the GOP, he wins the election with these five states.

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