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Friday, August 17, 2012

Toure or Tourette's

Yesterday, MSNBC host Toure said that Mitt Romney was engaging in the "niggerization" of president Obama. Why? The answer is that Romney had said that Obama was running a campaign filled with anger and division. In the mind of Toure (assuming there is one) calling Obama's campaign angry means Romney was actually appealing to a stereotype of the angry black man. That angry black man stereotype was racist. Therefore, Romney was "niggerizing" Obama.

This is the most over the top thing that has been said by someone employed by a news organization that I can remember. First of all, why would MSNBC even let him use that word? It is offensive and ought not to said on TV. Second, Toure obviously is an angry black man. That's right. He is angry. That is not a stereotype; this guy has real issues with anger. You may remember in the Spring when Toure had an on air fight with Piers Morgan on CNN. That ended with Morgan telling Toure that Toure had no idea what it meant to be a journalist. Toure was angry then too.

The point now, however, is that what the man is saying is patently absurd. The Obama campaign has accused Republicans of wanting dirty air and dirty water, of wanting to bring back slavery for blacks, of wanting to leave autistic and disabled children to fend for themselves on the streets, of wanting to take away health care from seniors, of wanting to force middle class families to pay money to millionaires and billionaires, and of doing all sorts of other heinous things. Obama has attacked anyone who has achieved success in the USA. In other words, Obama is running a very angry campaign. It is not designed to bring us together but to rip us apart. What Romney said is completely true. That is why Toure is claiming that Romney is "niggerizing" Obama. He has nothing else to say. He cannot argue the facts; after all, Romney is factually correct. All Toure can do is to try to play the race card: any criticism of the Obama campaign has to be racist.

I am tired of listening to liberals use Obama's race as a defense for his inability to do his job. Obama is incompetent. Obama's programs have failed to help America. Obama has made things here worse. Obama, if re-elected may do permanent damage to America. And all that Obama has done is not the result of his being African American. Obama's race is incidental; it is unimportant. He happens to be black. He is not above criticism, however, just because he is black. He is like any other president.

If Toure thinks that what I just wrote is racist, then he is wrong. But more to the point, I do not care what Toure thinks. The man is either an idiot or a race baiter. If he truly thinks that calling Obama's campaign angry and divisive is "niggerizing" Obama, then he is an idiot. On the other hand, if Toure is just using this outburst as an attempt to stir up hatred for Romney as a racist, then he is a despicable race baiter. Either way, he ought to be removed from MSNBC. Knowing that network, however, he will probably get a bonus.

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