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Monday, August 27, 2012

What to do when your whole hand is just the race card

The main stream media is making a big deal over Chris Matthews telling the chair of the RNC that the Republicans are playing the race card in Tampa. There are many required responses; here are a few:

1. Why would anyone care what Matthews thinks? He is totally in the g=bag for Obama. Matthews is the one who famously said that he gets a thrill up his leg when Obama speaks. Matthews is Debbie Wasserman Schultz with shorter hair.

2. Matthews, like so many Obama supporters in the press, acuses the Republicans often of playing the race card whenever Obama's campaign starts to falter. In that world, reminding America that Obama took $716 billion out of Medicare is playing the race card. Obama's failure to make any headway improving the economy is playing the race card. Indeed, any criticism of Obama is playing the race card. The truth is that Obama does not have a "get out of criticism free" card. He is president and he is doing a terrible job. Pointing that out has nothing to do with Obama's race.

3. Matthews has nothing else to say. Obama has already called Romney a felon and a murderer. It has had no effect. The only thing left in the Obamacrat playbook is the race card. Matthews is the one who is using it, not the GOP.

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