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Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Essential Paul Ryan

Back when Obamacare was being debated and president Obama decided to hold a show meeting with GOP representatives in order to try to appear bipartisan, Paul Ryan analyzed the actual cost of Obamacare in a short statement to those assembled (including Obama). Ryan listed all the gimmicks that were being used to disguise the increase in spending in the Obamacare bill and then said this: "Hiding spending is not cutting spending." That statement shows the essence of Ryan. First, he understood this massive bill in a way that few others in Congress did; he could see where the supposed costs were and where other costs were hidden. Second, Ryan was able to explain in clear and simple language just what had been done by the Democrats to try to hide the trillions of increased costs. Third, Ryan was not afraid to set forth the facts to Obama; he was deferential to the presidency, but he had no problems speaking truth to power. Liberals often talk about protesters who speak truth to power. That usually consists of chanting slogans or marching or breaking windows. If they are speaking truth, no one is listening. On the other hand, when Ryan told Obama and the Congressional leadership about the problems with Obamacare, they had no choice but to listen. Sure, Obama chose to ignore the facts and push the bill through anyway, but he will never be able to claim surprise at the enormous costs he foisted on America.

Ryan will make a great VP.

1 comment:

bk said...

Trillions of dollars on healthcare for citizens or trillions of dollars for pointless, endless wars? Which makes more sense?