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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

WJC, LLC -- Or Just Imagine If A Republican Did This!

The latest of the Clinton financial games came to light today.  The AP broke the story that Bill Clinton has a shell company through which he got compensated for "consulting" work that he did while Hillary was Secretary of State.  That may not sound like much, but it is actually a big deal.  It means that Bill Clinton formed and owned a company that had only one purpose, namely to collect payments made by clients for the services of Bill Clinton and then to pass that cash through to the former president.  And why would Bill Clinton do that?  There's only one reason.  When Hillary filed her financial disclosures as Secretary of State, she did not have to list that her husband got payments from various corporations and, perhaps, countries for "consulting" work.  That means that a company with business before the State Department could "hire" Bill as a "consultant" and send him big amounts of cash with no one other than Bill and Hillary knowing about those payments.  Just imagine if we learn that Trans Canada paid Bill a million dollars for consulting fees just when the Keystone XL Pipeline was under consideration at the Department of State.  (This is just an example for illustration purposes; I know of no such payments.)  Bill Clinton set up a company so that he could get secret payments from "clients" who might have business that Hillary could influence.

Remember all those claims that there was no smoking gun in the information in Clinton Cash?  this latest disclosure goes a long way to debunking the Clintons' position.  Just imagine if a Republican had done this.  Imagine that we found out that Chris Christie's wife had a pass through entity for payments that came from companies that did business in New Jersey.  It would be the end of Christie's career.  When Hillary and Bill do it, however, we are apparently supposed to just say, "oh, it's the Clintons.  What do you expect?" Then the media will ignore it.

This is truly the breaking point.  Hillary ought to withdraw from the race.  Loretta Lynch ought to open a DOJ investigation in this whole mess.  President Obama ought to denounce the Clintons for tarnishing the reputation of his administration.  Of course, none of that will happen.  It will be up to the American people to mete out justice to Hillary and Bill on election day.  No honest person ought to vote for these crooks.


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