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Friday, November 5, 2010

Analyzing the analysis

I have been looking at a myriad of articles written about Tuesday's elections and what is most striking is the incredible variations coming from the pundits. A good example comes today from Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post who reports that Nancy Pelosi was undone by her own success. According to Robinson, Pelosi is a warm and wonderful woman who got so much accomplished that people grew to dislike her. (that's right -- it makes no sense, but that is the line that Robinson is pushing.) Other pundits point out that Pelosi and Obama were oblivious to what the people wanted. This group notes that even after the election, neither Pelosi nor Obama concede that the electorate even considered these policies in casting their votes. Apparently, the voters were just misinformed -- not unhappy with the federal policies.

I wish that just once we had a clear view of reality presented by pundits on both sides of the issues. Even a liberal has to recognize that the Democrats got slaughtered in the election. It was not because people just did not hear enough about the policies. No, it was a rejection of those policies. Does that make Nancy Pelosi or Barack Obama evil? No, but they certainly can be faulted for being insensitive to the desires of the public.

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