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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Katrina wants Obama to ignore the people

In her latest in the nation, uber-liberal Katrina Vanden Heuvel proclaims the need for president Obama to govern by executive decree. Congress will be too gridlocked according to Katrina for much to be accomplished; Obama has to do it all on his own.

Vanden Heuvel's plea for "executive" action is antidemocratic enough, but when one looks at her wish list for Obama's tasks to perform, the true nature of the left's agenda shines through. First on her list is "Use EPA regulatory authority to reduce greenhouse-gas pollution by 17 percent by 2020." In other words, after cap and trade was rejected in a Congress top heavy with Democrats and after voters made clear that they did not want to see it put in place, Katrina wants the folks ignored and for him to go ahead with that hair-brained scheme anyway.

Second, Katrina wants Obama to "Launch the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency with aggressive rulemaking to protect and empower consumers." In English, this means Katrina wants severe restrictions placed on banks and financial institutions. This will help curtail growth and hiring in the financial industries with New York taking a heavy hit as a result, but Katrina wants Obama to move forward with this anyway. Apparently, Katrina did not get the message from the election that voters want job creation more than anything else.
Another of katrina's wish list is for Obma to "use the authority of the commander-in-chief to mitigate DADT’s impact, should Congress fail to repeal it." If repeal cannot pass congress, she wants Obama to ignore the law and limit the policy anyway. How authoritarian.
Another biggie on the list is for Obama to "direct agencies to require automatic mediation to avoid foreclosures where possible." Now Katrina wants Obama to change contract law without even getting authority from Congress to do so. It is doubtful that even Congress could constitutionally and retroactively change mortgage contracts, but Katrina says to do it by decree.
One last item from the wish list deserves attention; that is for Obama to "use his executive authority to advance labor organizing". This one is so far out that Katrina does not even bother to tell us how Obama is supposed to do this.

The real truth here is that true progressives do not care about the will of the people. They want their agenda put into effect and if authoritarian and antidemocratic methods have to be used to accomplish this over the opposition of the majority of people, they are fine with that.

Katrina Vanden Heuvel is a confirmed airhead, but she still performs a valuable service for the country. Every time that the left pretends that it cares about what people think, she brings us back to reality. The left is not democratic even though they are Democrats. When the Democrats pushed through Obamacare over the objections of a large majority of the country, it was not a mistake and not a one time event; it was just business as usual for the liberals.

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