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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Strange Times – 2

Last Saturday, I wrote about the article in which the New York Times says that the new strength for Republicans in Congress will likely be harmful for Israel and its friendship with the USA. The position of the Times is laughable, but now comes a further confirmation. The Wikileaks release of diplomatic cables reveal that last Spring, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry, told the leaders of Qatar that there needed to be a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. Kerry further said that Palestinian control of the Temple Mount was not even negotiable. This site holds Al Aqsa Mosque, a Muslim holy site, but it is also the site of the Jewish Temples thousands of years ago, the holiest site in Judaism. Democrat Kerry has no trouble declaring such a site non-negotiable or giving away part of Jerusalem, a city sacred to Jews. Kerry went on with more ideas sympathetic to the Arabs but not the Israelis, but you should get the picture. In short, the Times has it exactly backwards when it says that Israel has something to fear from the Republican takeover. The truth is that continuing Democrat control would be much worse for Israel.
While I am talking about the NY Times, it is worth repeating a point made in many other places about the Wikileaks subject. Last year when the Climategate e-mails were released to the public, the Times refused to print them because they were obtained “illegally” and were private. Now, the Times has no problem printing cables that were obtained “illegally” and which are not only private but classified as well. I would love to hear a rational explanation for that one.

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