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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The evils of obamacare

The big news about Obamacare these days is that the feds have now given out 111 waivers to certain big companies and unions so that they do not have to follow the rules set forth for obamacare. If there was ever a doubt about the unfairness and, indeed, unconstitutionality of Obamacare, this should remove it. Simply put, if Obamacare is really the great benefit that Democrats claim, why is it that these same Democrats are busy letting the big guys out of following it? Many of the unions who have now gotten waivers were big supporters of Obamacare, but now they want waivers so that they can continue to provide healthcare benefits for their members. Instead of increasing coverage for Americans, obamacare without these waivers would be decreasing coverage. Even more important, the waivers have gone to companies and unions big enough to hire lawyers and lobbyists who can get them waivers. Small businesses and individuals could never afford that route. So there are two legal structures that the Democrats have put in place: one for the rich or powerful and one for everyone else. That is inherently unfair, but more than unfair, it is a denial of equal protection of all citizens. These waivers are unconstitutional in my opinion. I hope that there soon is a challenge to the waivers on that ground.

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