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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another Newsweek Scoop - Mrs. Santorum dated a doctor who performed abortions

In what passes for News in Newsweek, there comes an article today detailing how Karen Santorum, the wife of GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum, dated a doctor who performed abortions. This all took place during the 1980's before the Santorums had met each other. Now Newsweek breathlessly reports this as if it is some sort of scandal. All I can say once again is this: "How dumb are the editors of Newsweek?" The answer appears to be "very, very dumb!"

Let me put it this way: does anyone actually think that the identity of the people one dated thirty years ago means anything? I hope not. Does anyone actually think that someone who dated an abortion doctor cannot now be legitimately pro-life? Again, I hope not. Newsweek, however, takes the stupid view here, and they do so in a rather snarky and nasty way. Even in its nastiness, Newsweek does not get it correct. For example, Newsweek describes Mrs. Santorum as "dressing like Hester Prynne" after she married Senator Santorum. Hester Prynne, of course, is the main character in The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne. Prynne is the woman who was condemned by her community for adultery; she was the "swinger" in that 17th century community. It appears that Newsweek meant exactly the reverse.

I wonder what brilliance Newsweek will publish next. Will they write about how president Obama used cocaine in the 1980's? That's Obama, not his wife. Maybe Newsweek will think that this means Obama is in favor of drug use now, or at least it is hypocritical for Obama to oppose drug use.

Personally, I think it may be time for Newsweek to change its name and the name of its website. The Daily Beast could shorten "Beast" by dropping three letters and just going with the Daily BS. Newsweek could become "Idiocyweek, the journal for liberal airheads".

1 comment:

fastcarken said...

I don't know who reads it anylonger.
It has been a RAG for a long time.
Soros is most likely behind the organization.
I never thought we would see a time when PROPAGANDA was greater in the U.S. than Russia, however, We have arrived! It is brainwashing the ignorant.