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Friday, February 8, 2013

A Ray of Sunshine in the Snow

As the snow keeps falling here in Connecticut, I noticed a bright ray of sunshine coming from the internet.  The Weekly Standard is reporting that highly placed Democrats are now saying that there is a 50/50 chance that the Hagel nomination for Secretary of Defense will be withdrawn.  The end to the Hagel nomination would represent a major victory for the country.  We would avoid having a Secretary of Defense who seems unable to speak coherently, who does not understand the Obama foreign policy, and who actually says that his own views do not matter.  In short, we would avoid installation of an idiot as head of the Pentagon just because president Obama was silly enough to name him.

I do not know if the report in the Weekly Standard is correct, but I have to believe that it is.  As I discussed here the other day, Hagel not only stunk in his hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, but he also has refused to identify which foreign entities and countries he worked for during the last four years when he was not in the senate.  No nominee for a cabinet position who does not have a death wish would refuse to give out such information.  My guess is that Hagel is now realizing that his connections with one country or another during the last four years will make his nomination untenable once disclosed.  He might as well withdraw from consideration now. 



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