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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Another Day, Another Nuke

North Korea reportedly conducted a third nuclear bomb test on Monday.  The initial estimates are that the bomb was in the range of just under ten kilotons.  That is small by nuclear weapon standards, but it still would be sufficient to kill millions if exploded in the right place.  The North Korean nuclear weapons are the exemplar of what could be coming if Iran is not stopped.  The difference, of course, is that while the NK's are bizarre, they are not insane.  On the other hand, the Iranians seem genuinely insane.  If they get a nuclear weapon, they are likely to use it.  After all, they believe that if they were to die in a war, they would be fulfilling their destiny.

I hope that president Obama and his administration are paying sufficient attention to the Iranians and their nuclear ambitions.  I fear that they are actually focused on whether or onto more attention to social issues will play well in the 2014 elections.  Literally millions of lives depend on what they do.



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