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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It's Just so Inconvenient

I had to laugh when I read a piece by the editorial page editor of the New York Times, Andrew Rosenthal.  Mr. Rosenthal is up in arms about all the "great" things that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)has done which may soon be undone.  Mr. Rosenthal blames the Republicans for this coming horror.

A little background is needed in order to see the humor here.  The CFPB was created by the Dodd Frank legislation passed by the Democrats in 2010.  When it came time to name a director for that agency, president Obama tried to do an end run around the senate by using a recess appointment.  Those appointments are allowed only when the senate is not in session.  Despite there being no senate recess, Obama just announced that the lack of any real business being conducted by the senate was the same as a recess, so he used the recess appointment mechanism to name a director for CFPB.  Recently, a federal appeals court ruled, not surprisingly, that Obama's appointment was illegal and in clear violation of the Constitution.  That means that all the actions taken by the director of the CFPB are invalid.  In the coming weeks, it is a certainty that all of them will be struck down by the courts at the request of those who were adversely affected by these actions.  Obama ignored the Constitution and broke the law; now the inevitable consequences of those misdeeds by Obama are surfacing.

But Mr. Rosenthal blames the Republicans for all of this.  This man who speaks for the supposedly erudite New York Times seems unable to understand that the Constitution is the highest law of the land.  Obama does not have the power or the right to ignore the Constitution.  He can try to do so, but sooner or later those attempts will be shot down.  Rosenthal may think it inconvenient to be forced to follow the Constitution, but Obama has to do so, nevertheless.

I have been wondering what Rosenthal will do for an encore.  Then it hit me.  Expect to see a column next week in which Rosenthal explains that global warming has now been blamed on those who oppose gun control legislation. 



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