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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Total Lack Of Leadership

President Obama made another speech today about preventing the sequester.  He lamented the upcoming cuts and called for something to be done.  As usual, he did not specify what ought to be done except for calling for higher taxes.  Sadly, Obama has not bothered to put forward a real plan for avoiding sequestration.  If Obama wants higher taxes, let him specify exactly which taxes he is talking about.  If Obama wants to cut Medicare to avoid sequestration, let him specify exactly how he wants it cut.  Indeed, if Obama has a plan rather than a speech, let him call in the Congressional leaders and discuss it with them. 

Obama, however, does not want to put forth a plan.  The truth is that Obama does not want to avoid sequestration.  What he wants, instead, is for the cuts to go ahead, so that he can use them to attack Republicans.  Obama puts political advantage ahead of what is good for the country.

Now let me be clear.  I happen to believe that spending cuts are the best course for the country to follow.  In the long run, America does best if the deficits can be cut.  But Obama claims to disagree.  Despite that disagreement the speechmaker in chief just keeps making more speeches.  Obama takes none of the steps that a real leader would were he trying to resolve things and avoid the sequester.

At least we only have three years and eleven more months of this.  Let's hope the country survives.





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