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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Do We Have a Plan?

I was speaking to a friend this morning discussing the supposed use of chemical weapons in Syria.  As of now, there does not seem to be any further evidence that might corroborate that such weapons were actually deployed and used.  The press reports may be nothing more than the typical charges and countercharges thrown about by the warring sides in the Syrian conflict.  Whether or not the Assad regime actually used its chemical weapons, however, one question truly stands out:  Does America have a plan to deal with the use of these horror weapons in Syria?

In more normal times, I would have assumed that there were contingency plans in Washington for how to deal with this situation.  The Pentagon would have military plans.  The State Department would have diplomatic plans.  The White House would have overall policy choices outlined and ready for selection.  These days, however, I have to wonder if we are ready.  Just last summer, America had ample warning that trouble was brewing with terror groups in Libya; we even had cables from the ambassador to that country asking for additional security for the embassy and the consulates across Libya.  In response to this problem, the Pentagon did nothing, the State Department did nothing, and the White House actively tried to ignore the problem.  When the predicted terror attack came, America did nothing and was totally unprepared to respons.

It is important to remember that last August when rumors circulated that Assad was moving his chemical weapons in preparation for their use, president Obama told the world that any such action would constitute Syria's crossing of a red line that would result in American action.  Obama never said what that action would be.  Is there any plan how to respond?  Does anyone actually believe that Obama has considered the alternatives and chosen a response in order to be prepared should the events call for a response?  Will we be left with secretaries Hagel and Kerry dreaming up America's response to the use of chemical weapons?  What will they suggest; maybe a ban on American tourists visiting Syria?  The sad thing is that our adversaries plan and plot our destruction while Obama goes on "listening tours" five years into his administration and ignores the very real threats around the world.  Let's hope and pray that we survive his total incompetence in foreign affairs.



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