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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Is this a Joke?

Drudge has posted a link to an article announcing the creation of another cable news network called the One America News Network.  The network is supposed to be a joint venture between the Washington Times and Herring Broadcasting.  I have to say that the entire announcement sounds fishy to me.

The network is supposed to have a conservative slant.  Herring is also launching a left leaning network called Red Herring Network.

If they had called it the One News America Network I really would have been sure that this is a joke.  Still, having a tv news network with the call letters ONAN would be more descriptive of much of what passes for news these days.

If the new network is successful, I can only assume that the One America Financial Network will follow close behind.  The financial markets need news from the OAF Network.

One thing that I understand from the announcement is that the network is hiring Keith Olbermann for one of its new shows.  Olbermann will sit in a dunk tank and will fall into the water each time someone on the network uses the word "outrageous" or "expert".  I am glad to see that Keith is finally getting to work somewhere again, particularly since it will make such good use of his talents.



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