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Friday, March 29, 2013

It's Science Not Politics

Remember the last time someone reported that a particular day was the hotest for that date on record and then blamed global warming?  If you watch the weather on TV, you surely have seen one of those reports.  How about the last time you heard a report that a particular hurricane or typhoon was the result of global warming?  You must have heard those.  And for how long were we all told the so called "inconvenient truth" that the Earth was inexorably warming due to the high levels of carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere by man.  Everyone who has not spent the last 15 years living in a cave as a hermit has heard that news.  So, given this non-stop drumbeat of global warming stories, one expect an equally prominent reportage of the fact that global temperatures stopped going up almost two decades ago.  You must have heard those news stories, right?  Oh, you didn't?  Really?

The truth is finally starting to get past the wall of political correctness that has required people to worship at the church of global warming in order to be deemed acceptable by the liberal mainstream media.  Here is a story in the Australian about the 20 year hiatus in the rise of global temperatures.  did you get that?  Let me repeat it:  THE 20 YEAR HIATUS IN THE RISE OF GLOBAL TEMPERATURES!!!  The story in the Australian is actually quite fun to read.  The best part is watching the global warming crowd squirming to explain away the fact that temperatures have stopped rising.

First, global warming guru James Hansen talks about coal fired power plants.  Before I go further with what Hansen has to say, let's review the history regarding coal fired power plants.  Remember that when president Obama ran in 2008, he announced that he intended to do away with coal fired plants in the USA.  He said, in essence, that he would not ban them, but that he would put in place regulations that would make operation of such plants so expensive that the owner would "necessarily go bankrupt."  Indeed, since Obama took office, the use of coal in the USA for power has declined so that it produces a significantly smaller portion of US electricity than in 2008.  The reason for getting rid of low cost coal, according to Obama, was to stop contributing to global warming.  Global warming advocates like Al Gore hailed the rules that led to the reduction in coal fired power plants.  So now let's go back to what James Hansen has to say.  According to Hansen, the hiatus in world temperature increase is due to the INCREASED use of coal in power plants in China and India.  Did you get that?  According to guru Hansen, the large increase in coal fired power plants in Asia is stopping global warming in its tracks.  It is the exact opposite of what Obama and Gore have said and done.

Second, the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Rajendra Pachauri says in the Australian that a twenty year hiatus in temperature increase is not significant.  It would have to last at least 40 years to be significant according to good old Raj.  Well, let's take a look back.  In the 1960s and 1970s the temperatures were cooling.  Magazines like Time and Newsweek ran stories about the coming Ice Age.  Global cooling was the scare of the day.  Then from the late 70s to the late 90s temperatures went up.  Let's see, the late 70's to the late 90's is just about 20 years.  That 20 year rise gave birth to the entire global warming story.  But Raj Pachauri says that 20 years doesn't matter.  I guess that it only doesn't matter if it is cooling or stasis; warming must be different.  The truth is that Raj has his entire reputation and position of power based upon the continued belief that the world is actually warming.  No wonder he wants to wait another twenty years before accepting that the warming trend no longer exists.

World climate is a scientific question.  It is not a political question.  People need to understand this.  Even politicians need to understand this.  Remember just how close America came to adopting something like cap and trade to limit global warming, a non-existant problem.  That plan could easily have changed our stagnant economy into a depression.  We cannot let political opportunists control the dialogue any longer.  The stakes are too high.  The scientific answer needs to get out there.  The truth is that there is no clear evidence any longer of any sort of global warming.  Further, the computer models on which all of global warming science was based have been shown to be erroneous.  Let's simplify: THE COMPUTERS THAT PREDICTED GLOBAL WARMING ARE CLEARLY WRONG!!!!!

Tell your friends.  Tell your neighbors.  This is too important to let slide.



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