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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lies Have Consequences.....Sometimes

Senator Harry Reid took to the floor of the senate today to discuss the tragic death of seven marines killed in a training accident.  In a ploy that was pure Harry Reid, the senator blamed the deaths on the cutbacks resulting from the sequester.  According to Reid, the Marine Corps was unable to afford all the required safety checks and procedures needed to keep those involved in the exercise safe.

This is a lie.  It is not an exaggeration.  it is not an argument.  It is a lie.  And to make matters worse, it is a lie that Reid well knows is a lie.  It is right up there with the lie Reid told when he claimed that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes for ten years.  Reid sees nothing wrong with telling blatant politically-inspired lies to the American people.

Today, however, push back to Reid came from probably the best possible source:  the Marine Corps.  NBC News, a network which is politically in sync with Reid, reports that a spokesman for the Corps called Reids remark "pure political posturing on the backs of the dead marines."  Bravo!  The exercise in question was planned long before the sequester kicked in, and nothing was cut from it.  There was an unfortunate accident that led to these deaths; the marines did not die due to budget cut backs.  but that did not stop Reid, the prevaricator in chief. 

Hopefully, the response to Reid will put him down on his backside.  The families of the dead marines will suffer enough from their loss.  There is no need to make these families feel worse through false claims that the deaths could have been avoided but for the sequester.


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