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Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Latest GOP Debate

Tonight we saw yet another debate among the GOP contenders.  There are only four left, so each man got plenty of time to speak.  Surprisingly, the candidate who did the best was John Kasich.  Time and time again, Kasich gave clear answers filled with solid positions that made sense.  Kasich was clearly the most presidential.  Of course, it's way too late for Kasich to get the nomination.  Nevertheless, if he wants to be vice president, tonight's performance was a big step down that road.

While Kasich did the best, that is not to say that the others did poorly.  Marco Rubio turned in another very strong performance, so did Ted Cruz, and so did Donald Trump.  If there was one theme from Rubio and Cruz, it was that Trump is not up to being president and cannot be trusted to do what he is promising to do.  I watched the two of them go after Trump, and they scored many direct hits.  Nevertheless, Trump never wavered.  On subjects like Trump University, however, Trump was made to look foolish.  On the other hand, when Megyn Kelly tried to point out Trump's inconsistent statements with a video montage, Trump had reasonable answers for the statements that should have satisfied the audience.

The moderators were a bit too confrontational in the early questions, but they never lost control of the debate the way the CNN moderators did at the last debate. 

Overall, I doubt the debate will change many minds.  I do hope that the last question in which each man pledged to support the nominee of the party will reduce some of the rancor that just seems to grow each day.

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