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Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Overdone Attack on Donald Trump

It will be interesting to see what happens to the support for Donald Trump in the next month.  Right now, Trump is the target of an all out attack.  It's a crazy and over-the-top attack.  Trump, we are told, is in essence a fascist, a racist, a promoter of violence, indeed the embodiment of evil in America.  There are many who believe that.  Of course, there are many who believe that about every candidate.  Hillary gets credited for great evil as well (although in her case, there's actually a real basis for the charge.)  The crazy attacks on Trump are much more widespread, however.

The real question is how will the American people react to all these attacks.  Trump isn't a fascist or a racist or a promoter of violence.  He has said some things that are impolitic.  He has said some things that he shouldn't have said.  He's not a practiced politician; it's part of his appeal, but it also means that he misspeaks more than someone like Hillary who is always weighing her next word against the results of the latest polls and focus groups.  Trump is real while Hillary is a creation of her pollsters.  So will the American people see through the attacks?  We will have to wait and see.

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