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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Time To Speak Out Donald

I was on my Twitter feed just now and it was really awful to see the endless comments on the ridiculous supposed story about Ted Cruz and his five mistresses.  Nasty doesn't describe the content of these tweets.  They were worse.

Now I know that the source is the National Enquirer and there's not a single source cited in the entire article.  I also know that some of the women who are supposed to have had affairs with Cruz have come forward both to deny the truth of the story and to say that no one ever contacted them even to ask if the story was true.  The story is false.

But here's the real question:  why isn't Trump telling his followers to cool it?  Why is he allowing these horrendous attacks to continue without saying "enough already".  It's just not right.

I'm have not been a fan of either Trump or Cruz.  Those of you who read this blog regularly know that I endorsed Rubio and was sad to see him go.  Nevertheless, it looks like the choice is going to be either Trump or Cruz for the GOP nomination.  This latest dive into the depths, however, is pushing me towards supporting Ted Cruz.  Trump has to stop this nonsense now.  Let me be clear.  I am not saying that Trump is behind all this.  He may be, but I don't know.  After all, the Enquirer has always been like this.  Nevertheless, Trump could stop this by coming forward and calling for his followers to stop this barrage.  And even if he couldn't stop it, at least he could act like a decent person.

I don't know what the impact of all this will be, but I hope it gives Cruz a big boost.

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