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Monday, June 10, 2019

And Now For Something Completely The Same

Jerry Nadler made a "big" announcement today.  Here's how it was reported:

"House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler says the DOJ agreed to turn over some of the underlying evidence from special counsel Robert Mueller's report."
So what should one make of this?  Nadler plays it like it is some sort of big victory.  But here's the catch.  Attorney General Barr always said that DOJ could turn over much of the information gathered by Mueller, but that some was confidential or classified and it could not be turned over.  Today, Nadler agreed to take the stuff that Barr had offered.  How is that a victory for Nadler.  It sounds more like Barr stuck to his guns about what the law requires and Nadler finally stopped stamping his foot and throwing a tantrum.

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