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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Trump Announcement Rally in Orlando

I watched the President formally announce his re-election campaign to the huge crowd assembled in Orlando tonight and was struck by just how different the two Americas really are.  Think about it.  Most of the Democrat base is angry and truly hates Trump.  They don't care what he does or what he says, because they just know it is bad and wrong.  According to the left, Trump is a racist; yet at his rally, the President was busy praising the lowest unemployment ever among minorities and the highest income levels ever for African Americans.  That's the opposite of racist, but it doesn't matter to the angry Democrat base.  The Democrat base says Trump only cares about the wealthy.  Of course, at the rally Trump was taking pride in the fact that the biggest percentage gains in income across the country are coming to the bottom half of the income ladder.  Indeed, the President didn't mention this, but the highest ten percent of the country by income levels also happen to be one of the strongest supporters of the Democrats.  So why would Republicans support them?

I think that the President demonstrated his strongest advantage tonight.  He was positive and he presented a positive vision of the future for the USA.  Optimism is what wins elections.  Anger and hatred don't; yet, that seems to be what most of the Democrat candidates are peddling.  We have prosperity and Trump promises to deliver more.  The Democrats promise higher taxes, some free stuff but a much more stagnant economy.  They may sell the idea of bringing down the wealthy, but I believe most people would rather have a leader trying to move them up rather than bringing others down. 


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