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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Seriously? March?

There's a big story today about leaked polls from last March that showed Biden leading Trump according to internal polls from the Trump campaign.  All I can say is "ho hum."

Why is this news?  The polls were taken before the Mueller Report cleared Trump of colluding with the Russians and resulted in there being no obstruction charges either.  The polls were taken before Joe Biden began his flip flop on the way to the White House.  That's before Biden decided that he now thinks federal funding of abortion is a good thing and before Biden decided to do an about face on whether or not China is a serious competitor of the USA.  It's before Trump got Mexico to help stop illegal immigration by closing off its border with Guatemala to those without entry visas.  In other words, before conditions got to where they are today.

Indeed, the polls in question were taken before Old Joe even officially entered the race.  Most well known candidates poll their very best right before entering the race.  They get the positives without all the negatives that get brought up in the campaign.

In short, these polls don't mean anything.  The reporters all know that.  So why is this story making such a splash?  It shouldn't.

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