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Friday, June 21, 2019

Sure, That Happened, Right

The big news on Twitter right now is that some writer named E Jean Carroll claims that she was raped in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman in the 1990s by none other than Donald Trump.  Seriously, that's her claim.  And seriously, writer E. Jean Carroll just happens to have a book coming out in a few weeks that she is promoting with this story.

I know that in these days of MeToo, we are supposed to give women the benefit of the doubt with regard to stories like these, but this is ridiculous.  Carroll says she was raped in a store dressing room by this guy she didn't know and that she kept quiet about it for 25 years.  She knew who her supposed assailant was.  She didn't report the crime.  If she has any experience in New York department stores, she know that the dressing rooms have surveillance cameras which could easily back up her story if true. She didn't report the crime.  Over the years, she's heard that Trump paid off women like Stormy Daniels who says she did or did not have sex with Trump.  But she didn't ask Trump for some easy money.  Trump became President of the United States, but Carroll stayed quiet.  Now that she wants to sell a book, Carroll is here with her story.  The only thing missing is that she hasn't YET hired Michael Avenatti as her attorney.

I'm sorry; I don't believe a word of this story.  Is Trump a womanizer?  It certainly seems like it.  Is Trump a rapist?  There's nothing to indicate that to be the case aside from this woman's newly disclosed story of what supposedly happened 25 years ago, a time for which there is no real way to verify anything.

No doubt, the media will follow this story for the next few weeks.  We could go to war with Iran, and the media would still be focused on Carroll and her tall tale. 

It's a sad commentary on our civilization.

UPDATE:  We now hear that Carroll also claims that she was assaulted by the former head of CBS, Les Moonves.  This seems to me to be further proof that there's something wrong with Carroll.  I mean it is one thing to have a run in with a famous man in New York.  It's something far more unusual for that man to sexually assault you especially if you are in your mid 50's and -- to be honest -- not particularly attractive.  Is it possible?  Sure, strange things do happen.  But how likely is it that two very wealthy and powerful men just happen to bump into the same 50 something year old woman by chance and then proceed to sexually assault her, both within a few years.  That sounds more like the woman's fantasy life than something that actually happened, especially if the woman never mentioned it for 25 years until it was time to promote a book she had written.

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