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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Hiding From Hyde

Well Old Joe Biden is at it again.  He's "evolving" from his one-time center/left positions to far left ones.  Biden is trying to move left in order to hold his lead in the Democrat race in which the far left is the loudest and most influential voice.  The subject this time is abortion.

Biden announced today that he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment.  That's the law which bars funding of abortions by the federal government.  Abortion may be protected by Roe v. Wade, but the feds have always decided not to fund abortions.  That rule was originally passed as an amendment offered by Congressman Henry Hyde of Illinois many decades ago.  It has been routinely passed by Congress after Congress whether controlled by Democrats or Republicans.  Now Biden has come out against it despite having voted for it many times while in the Senate.  Biden not only wants abortion to be legal without any limits, but he also wants the federal government to pay for it. 

So what will happen to the religious Catholics who are still in the Democrat party.  It may be true that the numbers of such voters are down, but all polls still find that a majority of American voters do not want the government funding the costs of abortions.  Biden may be throwing away votes in the general elections in hopes of securing the votes of abortion activists in the primaries.

Of course, it well could be that Old Joe has simply reached the point at which he can no longer clearly remember what it is that he supports.  I would say it might be early onset Alzheimers, but Old Joe is too old for that.  It would just be regular Alzheimers.

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