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Monday, June 10, 2019

More Bits and Pieces

1.  The Tony Awards were last night.  (Yeah, I know, who cares?)  The news today is that the show got the lowest ratings ever.  And that really says something since the Tony Awards are normally the lowest rated award show of the year.  Last year, I think that the Parent of the Year award sponsored by Cub Scout Pack 433 in Aurora, Illinois had more viewers.  Okay, that's not true, but is sure seems like it ought to be correct. 

I just want to know why anyone thinks that low ratings for the Tony Awards is news.  After all, it's not just that essentially no one saw any of the shows nominated, it's also that most people never even heard of them.

2.  John Dean testified before Jerry Nadler's congressional committee today.  Yes, that's right, John Dean, from Watergate.  While Dean probably deserves some congratulations for still being alive almost 50 years after Watergate, it surely isn't a reason to trot this guy out to talk about the Mueller Report.  After all, Dean had no involvement of any sort in the 2016 election.  Are the Dems in Congress so bereft of ideas that they couldn't find someone who actually had something relevant to say?  Did they just hold some sort of drawing at a local nursing home and come up with Dean as a witness?  It's truly bizarre.

3.  The media still hasn't given up trying to spin President Trump's big victory in getting Mexico to enforce its border with Guatemala so as to stem the tide of illegal aliens from Central America coming to the USA.  Today, CBS News reported that the President is "still defending" his agreement with the Mexicans.  They treat it like the agreement was a bad thing when all it did is to require Mexico to actually follow its own laws.


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