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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Did a Straw Poll Break Kamala's Back?

I didn't want to let the latest poll of Democrat primary voters in California pass by without comment.  It's just another typical poll with Old Joe Biden in the lead, but not by much.  Normally, it would be a non-event except for what the poll says about the campaign of Kamala Harris.  Harris, of course, is a Democrat senator from California.  That means that the people who know her best are the Democrats in that state, and they don't seem to be too happy with her.  The latest poll puts Kamala Harris in fourth place; she doesn't even get enough support to pass the 15% minimum needed in order to get any delegates.

It's really early in the process, and that makes it worse for Harris.  Right now, her name recognition and California residence ought to be enough for her to be atop the rankings or at least close to the top.  Being in fourth place is a terrible showing.  The people who know her best want someone else, it seems.

Things can obviously change, but it's hard to see how Harris will ever be a successful candidate if her home state won't even support her.

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