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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Campaign Slogans

President Trump used "Make America Great Again" as his slogan in 2016.  President Obama used "Hope and Change" in 2008.  None of the 2020 Democrats have comparable slogans, so I think it is time that we put our heads together and come up with good ones for them.  Here are a few suggestions:

1.  For Bernie Sanders, there's one that has been making the rounds.  It's "Make America Venezuela again". 

2.  For Elizabeth Warren I would suggest "I scream, you scream, then I scream again and again."

3.  For Kamala Harris, the most likely slogan is "That's something we need to discuss."

4.  For Kirsten Gillibrand the best slogan would be "Gillibrand for President; no please, stop laughing."

5.  Old Joe Biden has actually selected "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up."

6.  Cory Booker will be using "I am Spartacus!"

7.  Eric Swalwell chose to go with:  "That's Eric E-R-I-C, Swalwell S-W-A-L-W-E-L-L; no, Swalwell S-W-A-L-W-E-L-L".

8  Tulsi Gabbard selected "I'm With Assad."

9.  Pete Buttigieg is going with "Would you come to the prom with me?"

10.  Bill DeBlasio has chosen "Since I can't make it there, I can't make it anywhere."

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