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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

This Just In From Fantasy Land

Politico has an article our today discussing how the leaders of the Democrat party are worried that the debates among the presidential candidates this week could devolve into a brawl that turns off voters.  Supposedly, these leaders are worried about the Democrats having a repeat of 2016.

That's just bizarre.  In 2016, it was the Republicans who had knock down fights at the debates.  The Democrats had only Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders for nearly the entire time, and they didn't differ much on anything.  The Democrats in 2016 stayed far away from any sort of personal attacks on each other.

But what would anyone expect when they put 20 people wanting to be president on a stage (ok, 10 at a time).  These candidates will be trying to build themselves up while they tear down the competition.  That's how politics works.

Target #1 for most of these folks will be Biden.  He's an easy target given the things he's said and done in the past.  The over/under on the number of times Biden's praise of old segregationist Democrats is mentioned is 5.  Right now, I would take the over.

The next target will be Sanders.  I think there will be shots both at his age and his always angry demeanor.

Then there's Warren.  I think one of the other candidates may try to get her to explode in one of her angry outbursts that illustrate just how negative and angry she always is.

Buttigieg may get a shot for the mess in South Bend and his mishandling of it, but his rise in the polls seems to have ended and started to reverse, so Mayor Pete may get ignored the way Beto O'Rourke will likely be ignored.  There's no need to waste ammo on the walking wounded and near dead.


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