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Friday, June 21, 2019

Ms. Lewandowski

The big news that came out of the closed door congressional hearing at which former White House communications person Hope Hicks testified is that committee chair Jerry Nadler is truly out of it.  Nadler repeatedly called Hicks "Ms. Lewandowski".  Apparently Nadler confused Hope Hicks and Cory Lewandowski who was the campaign manager for Trump early in the 2016 campaign.  That's not an easy thing to do, but Nadler managed to make that mistake repeatedly, even after Ms Hicks corrected him.

Beyond the proof the Nadler is not just over-the-hill but way, way, way over-the-hill, little came from the hearing.  The White House objected to any questions asking Hicks about communications with the President or many of her White House duties as privileged.  These attorneys directed Hicks not to answer.  Beyond that, Hicks didn't remember much.

It was just another waste of time by the Democrats in the House.  After all, what did they expect to get from Hicks, particularly since she had already spoken at length to investigators in the Mueller probe. 

Can't the Democrats move on from the Russia collusion nonsense and at least try to accomplish something positive for the American people?


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