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Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Racism of the Left

Today, all the Democrat candidates are in South Carolina trying to win over the black community.  Over 60% of the voters in the Democrat primary in that state are African American.  That means that a candidate with heavy black support is almost guaranteed a win in the state which conducts one of the first four contests in 2020.

The funny thing about the South Carolina primary is that the only Democrat with a history of opposing civil rights is leading that pack even with black voters.  Old Joe Biden was an ardent opponent of school bussing to achieve integration when he first got to the Senate in the 1970s.  Biden worked closely with the block of southern Democrats who had been the principal opposition to the civil rights laws a few years earlier to try to block bussing.  Indeed, when Biden said the other day that he didn't have a racist bone in his body, it made me wonder how he was able to stand without a skeleton.

So why is so little made of Biden's history of racism?  The answer, of course, is that Biden was the vice president chosen by president Obama, so he got a pass on his past.  But Obama isn't on the ticket anymore.  The Democrats have to come to grips with the fact that their frontrunner has a history of racism.  Even Biden's gaffes reveal the way he actually thinks.  It wasn't all that long ago that Biden said that you couldn't work in a 7-11 unless you had an Indian accent.  Racial stereotype?  Sure.

I wonder if the voters in South Carolina and elsewhere will wake up to Biden's actual history.  If they do, he is toast.

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