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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Media Lies on Iran

Why does the mainstream media think that it has to try to undermine everything that President Trump says or does?  I just heard CBS News report that the President is still "trying to claim" that Iran is responsible for the attacks on the two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman a few days ago.  The CBS reporter then said that the rest of the world did not agree.  The reporter made it sound like only the Trump Administration is blaming Iran.

This is a lie.  Here's the statement put out by the UK Foreign Office:  “It is almost certain that a branch of the Iranian military – the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – attacked the two tankers on 13 June. No other state or non-state actor could plausibly have been responsible.”

Then there's the video shot of the Iranian boats removing a limpet mine from the side of one of the tankers, the kidnapping of the crew of one of the tankers, the attack on a US drone in the area by the Iranians and the statements of the crew of the two ships.  These all support that Iran is responsible.

And CBS is wrong when it claims that countries (other than Iran) say that the Iranians were not involved.  At most other nations just say that they can't tell who carried out the attack.

So we have an attack by Iran.  The USA blames the Iranians and presents evidence to support that view.  The UK accepts the conclusion.  No country other than Iran itself says that anyone other than Iran is responsible.  But CBS News tries to paint the picture that President Trump is wrongfully claiming Iran to be to blame while other countries disagree.  CBS should be ashamed that it feels it necessary to lie just so that it can support its anti-Trump narrative.

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