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Friday, June 7, 2019

Unbelievable Media Bias

About two weeks ago, President Trump told Mexico that the USA would impose a 5% tariff on all goods imported from that country unless the Mexican government began to help control the flow of illegal aliens coming across Mexico to the US southern border.  Central Americans (who make up the bulk of the illegals crossing the border) must cross over 1300 miles of Mexican territory to get to the US border.  Under Mexican law, these people could be stopped at the southern border of Mexico since they have no visas to enter that country.  For years, however, the Mexicans have allowed literally millions of Central Americans to cross their country.  Many in Mexico got involved in smuggling people into the USA, and some even were busy with human trafficking involving young women and children.  All of this is illegal in Mexico, but the government just didn't enforce those laws.  President Trump finally told the Mexicans that enough was enough; they had to stop allowing the illegals to cross, the drugs to flow and the human traffickers to sell their captives.

The response in the USA was a combination of outrage and disbelief.  The experts said that the threat of tariffs would never work as the Mexicans would never agree to make changes under threat.  The Democrats and the media began a campaign to discuss how a 5% tariff on Mexican goods would cause economic chaos in the USA with huge price rises (although they never explained how a 5% tariff would raise prices by more than 5% at most.)  Some in the media and among Democrats announced that the threatened tariffs were racist (isn't everything?) or unfair to the Mexicans.  The media basically ignored the problem at the border and focused exclusively on the tariffs.

Tonight, after a negotiation in Washington, Mexico and the US agreed on a deal under which Mexico will enforce its laws and stop the flow of illegals, drugs and human captives across our border.  In exchange, President Trump suspended the implementation of the tariffs.  It's important to understand what this means.  If Mexico actually screens people crossing its border with Guatemala and bars those without visas, it will mean that the flow across our southern border will be greatly cut back if not stopped entirely.  Those huge caravans from Central America will be no more.  The heavy load inflicted on the US border patrol will be cut so that we can regain control of our border.  Increased Mexican surveillance at the border with the USA will also cut back on some of the flow of illegal drugs into this country.  In just the last few days, Mexico had already arrested the leaders of the human trafficking operations, frozen the accounts of those funding the caravans, and started turning back those without visas at the Guatemalan border.  If a full scale agreement is implemented, a major part of the problem at our southern border will have been solved.  In short, it will be a wonderful victory for the United States.

So with this great result for the USA, how do you think the media is covering and the Democrats are discussing what has happened?  The answer is that they are portraying this as President Trump deciding that he could not impose the "unpopular" tariffs.  The border agreement is treated as an after thought.  It's a bizarre point of view, but it is one that has been put forward by multiple news organizations.  For example, Andrea Mitchell of NBC News focused entirely on the decision not to impose tariffs and hardly mentioned the deal signed with the Mexicans.  Yesterday was the 75th anniversary of D-Day and the way the media is covering the Mexican deal is the equivalent of American correspondents writing about D-Day to discuss its impact on global warming without mentioning the allied invasion of Nazi Europe.

President Trump deserves congratulations for a great result.  The Democrats have tried to block any progress at the border for the last three years.  He went around them and made this deal with Mexico that they cannot stop.  They are not going to be able to use Fake News to keep the truth from the American people.  It's a really big win.

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