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Monday, March 5, 2012

The Huckabee Forum 3

Over the weekend, Mike Huckabee ran a GOP candidates forum to discuss jobs on Fox News Channel. I did not want to watch it; do we really need yet another debate? I did tune in, however, and I am very glad that I did.

Huckabee deserves kudos for running an event that focused on real issues that concern the American people. Each of the three candidates (Ron Paul chose not to participate) answered questions for about an hour that delved into their economic plans, tax plans, energy plans and other related items. No attempt was made to get the candidates to take shots at each other; instead, the real issues were discussed. It may not have been as exciting as watching Romney, Santorum and Gingrich go after each other, but it certainly did more to inform the American people than 55 debates on CNN would have done.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the night was hearing Santorum discuss his economic philosophy and his plans if elected. In all of the previous debates, we have never heard the full extent of the Santorum plans. He revealed himself to be knowledgeable about the economy, and his plans made sense. Of course, both Gingrich and Romney also showed that they know more about the economy than Obama, even after he has been in office for almost four years.

FNC and Huckabee are to be congratulated for running such a fine program.

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