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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

And to do this on September 11th???

This afternoon in Cairo, there was a large demonstration outside the US embassy. Some of the demonstrators stormed over the embassy walls and brought down the American flag, ripped it up and replaced it with a black flag that announced a basic tenet of Islam. According to news reports, the embassy knew yesterday that the demonstration would take place, so there was no staff inside the compound. Further, the Egyptian police did not stop the demonstration or protect the embassy. So the next question, of course, is what were the demonstrators protesting? The answer is absurd. The demonstrators were protesting a film made by some Coptic Christians and some others in the USA which the protesters said offended Islam.

Let's make this clear: Thousands of protesters stormed the US embassy in Cairo; the Egyptian government did nothing to stop them or to protect the embassy; and the supposed cause is that some individuals in the United States supposedly made a film that the mob did not like. Unbelievable.

But it gets worse. What is the reaction of president Obama to this attack on America's embassy because some individuals expressed themselves freely? Outrage? A statement that America will protect its embassies and its diplomats abroad? A demand that the Egyptian military or police protect our people or suffer the cutoff of three billion dollars of aid that we give them each year? Nope! The answer from Obama via the State Department is an apology to the mob. America actually issued a statement which laments the misuse of freedom of speech to attack religious beliefs. That's right, Obama villified the folks who made a video about Islam that the mob did not like. Of course, I doubt that any in the mob had actually seen the video, but they were ready to attack the embassy about it nevertheless. For Obama, it is better to kneel to a bunch of rioters than it is to assert America's basic principles. What happened to freedom of speech? Are people in America to forego that freedom because a mob in Africa might be upset?

It is overwhelming that Obama's response is so weak. Remember, just yesterday the news came out that the Obama administration was assisting Egypt to buy two new submarines that will be made in Germany. America will give Egypt a billion dollars for weapons that Egypt does not need. The money will create jobs, but they will all be in Europe. All that America will get from the deal is more debt. These Egyptians are the ones who did nothing as the embassy was attacked.

It is one thing to claim to lead from behind. It is something else to bow down to tyranny. But that is just what Obama is doing. He ought to be ashamed.

Obama has got to go!!!!!!

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