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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lies Lead to Deaths - 2

Earlier today, I tried to marshall the facts regarding the September 11 attacks in Cairo and Benghazi and to make the case that America needs to be honest about what happened; it will only lead to more death and destruction is we cling to lies and political spin rather than reality. Since I posted that piece, America's ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice appeared on two of the Sunday morning news shows to announce that indications are that none of the attacks were premeditated; according to Rice they were spontaneous outpourings of anger. At the same time, the head of the Libyan government appeared on Face the Nation and told the CBS audience that the Libyan investigation has revealed that the attack in Benghazi was a carefully planned terrorist attack which was under development for months. So the Libyans are able to discern the truth while the Obama government is still living in dreamland.

Interestingly, Senator Levin of Michigan, a Democrat and usual ally of Obama, has now said that the attacks were obviously preplanned and coordinated. Levin points out that folks do not get involved with spontaneous demonstrations which commence with the explosion of a bomb hidden next to the embassy wall. Nor do spontaneous demonstrators show up with rocket propelled grenades, mortars and assault rifles.

The truth is that Obama and his administration were forewarned that this was coming and they did nothing. To paraphrse that old chestnut that the left likes so much, "people died, now Obama lies."

America deserves better!

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