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Friday, January 24, 2014

Moral Relativism

It's an old question:  does the end justify the means?  Some people have struggled with this issue over the centuries, but in much of the world, there has always been just one answer, and that answer is NO.  Both Christianity and Judaism tell us that certain actions are beyond the pale.  We are told "Thou shalt not kill", not "Do not kill unless you really need to for a good reason."  We are told not to lie, not that lying is okay in a good cause. 

We all know that a great many people do not follow the moral codes that our religions teach us.  It has always been so, but that is not my point today.  Right now, the concern is not so much how many folks obey the moral codes, but rather how many people recognize these codes as valid.  In other words, in the past when folks did not do the moral thing, they at least knew it and knew also that others would recognize that fact.  The question is whether or not that remains true today.  Are the secularists in America at the point where they have undermined the basic morality of the American people? 

This may sound like a strange question to many.  Is it possible that Americans now believe that morality is just old fashioned nonsense?  Did the counter culture of the 1960s finally triumph over the morality of the millennia?  Is that happening just in small spaces without affecting most of the country?  Think about the last twenty years.  In the 1990s, we had a president who lied to America about his sex life.  "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" became one of the most notable statements of the decade.  President Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath about his sexual encounters with the White House intern.  What Clinton did was clearly wrong on many levels, but the country forgave him for the most part.  We were told again and again that it was "only sex", a personal matter.  Nevertheless, Clinton's lying almost cost him the presidency.

Now fast forward twenty years.  President Obama has been caught lying to America not about his sex life, but rather about all manner of things.  Perhaps the most important lie has been Obama intentionally telling falsehoods about the nature and effect of Obamacare, something that is in the process of upending the economy, changing the healthcare for all Americans and drastically reordering the life of nearly every American.  We have been told that Obama had to lie to get the law passed.  Let me say that again with the proper emphasis.  WE ARE TOLD THAT OBAMA HAD TO LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN ORDER TO GET OBAMACARE PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!  The question now is whether or not America will accept this sort of behavior from its president.

Our first president was glorified as one who could not tell a lie.  The tale of George Washington and the cherry tree was, itself, not true, but it was made up after Washington's death to show what a wonderful person he had been.  He would not lie!  It was a wonderful recommendation of Washington's character and one that the Americans of the time recognized as a major positive attribute.  Today, the Democrats and their secularist allies have flipped that story about Washington on its head.  Obama had to lie to get Obamacare passed is what they tell us to justify Obama's lack of honesty.  In other words, they tell us to look at the end rather than the means.  Obama's intention was to help the uninsured (or so they claim), so it does not matter how he went about doing that.  As Hillary Clinton would no doubt say, "What difference does it make?"

The answer to that question, of course, is that it makes a great deal of difference.  It is never acceptable for the president of the USA to lie the way that Obama has done.  The question is not a matter of intent; it simply does not matter what the president was trying to achieve.  Americans have the right to expect honesty from their chief executive.  If the president does not use the proper means, he should end up tossed out the front door of the White House on his end.

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