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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why Actually Listen?

Remember Sandra Fluke?  She's the Georgetown Law Student who managed to pay $60,000 per year to go to law school but who demanded that the federal government mandate that she get free birth control because the cost (about $10 per month) was too expensive.  She was the face that the Democrats put on their War on Women story that they used to attack the GOP.  Well, Fluke is back.  Today, she is out with an article in which she attacks Mike Huckabee for his speech to the RNC meeting earlier this week.  Here's what Fluke says:

"Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee stated yesterday that the Affordable Care Act’s provision guaranteeing women access to no-copay birth control was created because women are oversexed."

The problem, of course, with Fluke's arguments against this statement by Huckabee is that Huckabee said no such thing.  The former Arkansas governor actually said that Democrats do women a disservice by telling them that they cannot control themselves without government help.  Huckabee said that Democrats are, in essence, telling women that they are helpless without assistance from Washington to rein in their sex lives.  In short, Huckabee was saying that women can deal with their own sexuality just fine by themselves and that it was demeaning to them for the Democrats to tell them the contrary.  Fluke completely flips this on its head and then argues against it.

Having heard Fluke in the past, I am not surprised by her lack of honest argument.  Rather than deal with what was actually said, she creates a straw man and argues against it (much like her hero president Obama).  What gets me, however, is the complete silence by the media when this happens.  Are the folks in the mainstream media so partisan that they are prepared to let blatant misstatements like those from Fluke go out unchallenged?  I guess the answer is yes.

Still, it does leave one with the question:  why bother listening to what political figures say if their words are going to be ignored anyway?


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