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Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Bigotry of Equality

As we start 2014, the movement towards "equality" and "fairness" is the second most important driver of the liberal establishment in America (after keeping the Democrats in power).  Are there uninsured people and folks with poor quality insurance plans?  No problem, the liberals passed Obamacare which will make everyone equal; we will all now have poor quality insurance plans with high costs, small networks and huge deductibles.  (Of course, it won't get insurance for the uninsured, but that's just a detail.)  Are there people without jobs in America?  Again, no problem, we will pay them benefits which will keep them from starving (but not much more) rather than focusing on actions which might grow the economy and produce jobs that pay a decent wage.  That is "fair" while growing the economy might help the rich and would not promote "equality".  Are the Palestinians in Gaza suffering because they have been importing weapons and components for missiles to fire at the Israelis?  No problem for the left here:  clearly, the powerful Israelis are being mean to the people in Gaza by blockading the territory so that no weapons or materials can get in.  For the left, it is easy to side with their proclaimed "victim", the Palestinians even though the victims here are the ones who fire missiles indiscriminately at the other side.  Will construction of a large project disturb the habitat of a species of sparrow?  The left recoils in horror; humanity cannot reduce the habitat of an endangered species just to benefit itself.  Of course, if the wind power that the left so loves results in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of birds each year as they are struck by whirling windmills, including a great many of the endangered eagles, it is of no matter since we have to have wind power.  And, by the way, if the switch towards wind and solar raises the cost of energy so that the lowest income groups find it difficult to pay their electric bills, again it is no problem for the liberals.  They just blame the electric companies who are following all the new rules.

The truth is that liberalism or progressivism or whatever one wants to call it now is actually a form of bigotry.  Liberals believe that their ideas are just better than any others and more important than the lives of most people.  If an idea sounds to the liberal ear like it will promote equality or fairness (whether or not it will in reality do any such thing), then it is something that needs to be accomplished.  There is no consideration of the actual merit of ideas.  If there were, things like Obamacare would never have been passed.  Why would someone destroy the healthcare policies of the bulk of the American population just to try to increase the number of folks with coverage by taking actions that were predestined to fail?

Sadly, much of our population never understands the delusional nature of liberal thought.  Instead, they get fed the same delusion in schools that function to indoctrinate the bigotry of liberalism into our children and then by media that is incapable of recognizing reality.  We may soon see a segment of the population wake up as a result of the onslaught of Obamacare.  If this could operate to end liberal bigotry, it would be a great day for America. 


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