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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

We Are Still Waiting For the Plan

If you follow the mainstream media, then you know that one of the big issues of the moment is whether or not "emergency" extra unemployment benefits will be extended in the fifth year of the supposed economic "recovery".  According to president Obama, there are just too many unemployed for the federal government to consider going back to only the normal unemployment benefits.

The bizarre nature of this debate and the coverage in the media continues to astound me.  I keep looking for an article pointing out that according to Obama we have had five years of recovery from a recession and then asking why there should still be extra unemployment benefits.  I am also looking for an article questioning why Obama has time to campaign for unemployment benefits but seems unable to find time to come up with a plan to grow the economy. 

We have all heard Obama's recent economic pronouncements:  he wants to "help" the economy by starting universal pre-school (I am not kidding), building better infrastructure and raising taxes.  These have been the three pillars of his proposed economic plan for at least the last two years.  Of course, even the least educate person in America understands that pre-school for toddlers will not improve the economy other than by providing a few jobs for teachers.  the kids involved won't be out in the workforce for at least 14 years.  We also know that Obama already raised taxes in January of 2013 and it did nothing good for the economy.  So that leaves the infrastructure program.  Another article which has yet to appear is the one discussing exactly what sort of an infrastructure program Obama has in mind.  That is because Obama has made no actual proposal.  Obama only talks periodically about infrastructure; he never proposes any program.  Obama talks about Republican obstruction, but the GOP has not blocked any construction proposals because there have not been any made by the White House.  It is just empty campaign rhetoric.  You know:  "If you like an infrastructure construction program, you can have one!"

It is a national disgrace that fully five years after the supposed end of the recession, we have a president who cares only about making political points off the suffering of the long term unemployed but who cannot bring himself to even try to do something to help find these folks jobs.

For what it is worth, I support the extension of unemployment benefits.  The people without jobs should get one last chance for support over the next three months.  I also think that Obama is a disgrace.  He ought to go.


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